A four members committee of the organisation “The Flame of Hope up

A four members committee of the organisation “The Flame of Hope

Bodhgaya Bihar 
A four members committee of the organisation “The Flame of Hope” which has carried the flame lights from 15 different holy places. 1. Peace flame of Hiroshima 2. Embers of the Atomic Bomb Hoshino, 3. Peace light of Bethlehem, 4. Flame of commitment from Olympia of Nagasaki, 5. Eternal flame at yad Vashem Jerusalem, 6. Eternal flame Martin Luther King Centre USA, 7. Light of Grotto France, 8. Kukai’s sacred flame Japan, 9. Eternal flame Raj Ghat, 10. Freedom fire, Netherlands, 11. Flame Hongan ji Japan, 12. Peace flame of Assisi Italy, 13. Peace flame Lumbini, 14. Holy easter fire from Jerusalem, 15. Eternal flame of Dr. Ambedkab Mumbai.
The motto of flame of hope is “One earth, one humankind, one flame”, It is an international symbol of peace, created hand in hand by human beings. Four members comprising, 1. Ryokyu Endo, 2. Ami Nara, 3. Amit Shankarrao Gadpale 4. Sanno Bamba, are from Kyoto, Japan and Nagpur, India, visited Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple and the Secretary BTMC office with flame of Hope on 18th Dec 2023 morning.